Friday, January 8, 2010

Biometrics Data - II : National Census

I recently came across a new document about the system (I am sorry I cant share this) and called up the UIDAI helpline. They were most cordial and answered all my queries will satisfaction. I think they have plugged in most loopholes and questions I had. I think its safe to go ahead for this.

This news article (please read it) came today 08-Jan-2009 and reading this i recalled the previous instance - National Skills Registry. Here is what happened : (Please read the first instance to understand my concern)

I thought to contact them like i did before in case of National Skills Registry and find out if they are following the correct method this time. But i was disappointed. For the following reasons:

1. I tried searching for an email(written proof) to contact their office in Delhi. But couldnot find a single email of that huge organisation. (Isnt it pathetic to know that? )
2. After not getting the email address, I called up their office in Delhi to inquire about it. It was some officer at an important post that the receptionist transferred the call to. I talked to him and he confirmed that the newspaper report was correct and they will be collecting the biometrics data. On asking what security measures are being taken to prevent misuse of data he couldnot answer it. He instead directed me to another officer (Deputy Director General - S K Chakravarty / ph:011-23383157). NOw the most irritating part came in when i asked him his name and designation and email address so that i can send him an email (my query in the written form), he refused to tell his name, his designation and told a blatant lie that he didnot have any official email address(This is the height).

I called up on the number he gave and this time someone in their personnel section picked up the phone. She told that The deputy director general was not in his office (that was around 4.30 in the evening) . I asked his email address and she started giving me his yahoo id. When i asked for his official email address, she after a bit hesitating, gave me the email address : > which i think might not be a correct address. So nothing happened and i hung the phone.

The question here too remains the same, in this case even more important and grave :

>How do we track if the biometrics data is actually received at their main office (There can be a lot of "scandals/changes/mishappenings" to it during its journey to the data server and is it the same data which is sent through the personnel who collected the data at home?
>how do we prove that the data we had sent is the one which is there in the database?
> there is really no way to actually compare the minute details of finger prints.
>What if the data reaches there and it is the same as sent but this time someone "inside" their office changes it? (un?)intentionally.

Please do something on your part... Email them/Call them. Escalate this to people in power who can actually do something about it. Tell this to your friends. 
Please act now else we will have another failed system. This is an humble request to all reading this. 

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