Sunday, July 10, 2011


a recent chat with a friend resulted in my following instant analysis

people - (any individual/corporate/bizman/politician/anyone) have different profiles - social/personal/professional etc and the biggest problem is these profiles don't go in tandem with each other

any initiative's core effect is to bring all those profiles together to work for the person and in tandem with each other.. so that the need for all these profiles is not needed.. a single profile suffices.. this is the smallest building block of constructive progress. to eradicate the nuisances in society, our initiative should be to integrate these different faces of ourselves into one seamless personality.

conflicts arise when any of the profiles dont go well with others - thus resulting in creation of things like corruption, dishonesty, lies etc to please that particular personality facet.(thought though unconsciously the person is still going in a state of self conflict)

there will be no effect of any revolutions unless we do the seamless integration of our personality facets

update for those who were unable to comprehend: (12:12 pm) :  The meaning is clear - be integrated rather than having multiple personalities.

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